George O'Connor - The Olympians - Zeus

This series of graphic novels is exceptionally good. Zeus is a clear favorite mostly because O'Connor does a phenomenal job depicting the formation of cosmos - prior to the arrival of any beings (god or otherwise). It's profoundly good. .

Buy on Amazon - Zeus: King of the Gods (Olympians)

George O'Connor - The Olympians - Athena, Hera, Hades Poseidon

Other gods in the George O'Connor series are Athena (amazing), Hera, Hades and Poseidon. According the author the rest of the Olympians books are coming as soon as quickly as he can create them. 

Athena: Grey-Eyed Goddess (Olympians)

Gareth Hines - The Odyssey - Graphic Novel

Great introduction to the Odyssey. This is a longer graphic novel and very substantive. Hines does a remarkably good job bring the text to life.

The Odyssey

Visions of Greece - DVD and Vimeo

After reading about Greek Gods and mythology it wasn't obvious that this was connected to the Greece that exists in our world today. We came across this DVD which is an hour of helicopter video of major Greek sites. They saw Delphi, Mount Olympus and other places that exist both in the mythology and the phenomenal world. It seemed to very powerful to have this connection.

Available from Amazon: Visions of Greece

Also available on Vimeo for free. The higher resolution DVD is worth buying.

100 Characters from Classical Mythology

Very good encyclopedia of all the Gods. Lots of family trees, Roman and Greek names, images of gods from throughout art history. Worth it for reference alone. 

Amazon: 100 Characters from Classical Mythology

Tales from the Odyssey

Good retelling of individual stories from the Odyssey. Very readable. Combines well with the graphic novel version.

Buy from Amazon: Tales from the Odyssey, Part 1